Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ok once again I didn’t have internet so let’s catch up shall we? First I have and will continue to go to temple every day for the funeral. Funerals last one week in Thailand. It’s actually a lot of fun. Also to expand the family ill be showing pictures of all the people that have been taking care of me. Also, I went to a huge temple in the city I live in. I will also be putting pictures of that on here as well. Oh and I got video clips from my camera as well. I went to school for the first day yesterday too and it was a lot of fun believe it or not. The school is vary small but good teachers and good students. They all like to look at me and try to talk to me but they are verying shy and just smile. And today I went to school at a temple and all the students sat around me while i taught them English. After that I hung out with the teachers. They are vary funny and they all like me. Some speak English but not enough to understand. I also have a Thai name and a Thai nickname but I do not know how to spell them so ill just have to tell my family and friends when I go home to America. Oh and the school gave me a hand made gift.

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