Friday, July 16, 2010

i forgot to tell everyone something important. over here I'm an English teacher. i teach an English class for about 20 to 30 minutes a day. the students like it more when i teach. they say i make it fun. its funny, I'm a 17 year old teacher and i also teach university students as well(they vary in age between 20 to 30) and I'm teaching them. also i was asked by one person if i see the same as them because my eyes are blue and there eyes are dark brown. i just had to laugh at that. but it makes me understand that these people do not see many foreigners. most Americans that come here only go to Bangkok and to tourist areas. I'm not in a tourist area so they rarely see Americans. lastly the teacher asked me why i would want to teach at this school. for every one back home to know the school i go to is vary poor and the kids that go there are from poor family's. i said i will teach here because the students and teachers are good people and that is more then enough for me to stay here and teach. also for a school to have a foreigner teach English cost alot of money. money that my school does not have. so I'm just telling people back home for the hundredth time that I'm going to be a full fledged teacher here.
my parents where right about me changing my mind about my career. they said that if i went to Thailand that my entire life would change. well mom and dad, you were right.


Kendra said...

I would have no idea where to start with teaching english!

Jeff B said...

Your a good person Cameron. I am very proud of you
